
We've built a few tools and libraries that we use to make our development process smoother and more efficient. Why not share them with the world?

Here's a quick run through of what we have on offer!

Our Laravel Nova packages:

Name Description
Nova Blog Easily add a Blog with Articles and Categories in Nova using repeaters blocks for content
Nova Pages Easily create custom pages in Nova using repeaters blocks for content
Nova Events An Events CMS for Laravel Nova
Nova Spaces Create "Spaces" to display throughout your website which can be populated with custom blocks.
Nova Navigation Navigation manager plugin for Laravel Nova
Nova Repeater Blocks Repeater Blocks for Laravel Nova using Polymorphic relations

Our support packages/libraries:

Name Description
Maxfactor Laravel Support Support and helpers for Laravel PHP based projects
Maxfactor Vue Cart Vue.js Shopping Cart with Account and Checkout functionality
Maxfactor Laravel Checkout A Laravel checkout companion to work with Maxfactor Vue Cart